Here you will find a comprehensive resource for information on our team members.

You will find two dedicated sections: General Partners (GPs) and our dynamic operational team.

General Partners

The GPs section provides detailed profiles of our esteemed General Partners, highlighting their extensive industry experience, investment track records, and strategic insights. Each biography offers valuable insights into the GPs' areas of expertise, previous successful ventures, and their contributions to the growth and success of Kalei.

Rebeca Hwang

Juan Santiago

Leandro Pisaroni

Tomás Braun

Operational Team

In the operational team section, you will discover the talented individuals who form the backbone of Kalei.

From seasoned analysts to skilled managers, our operational team plays a crucial role in supporting our investment strategies and ensuring smooth day-to-day operations. Each team member's biography outlines their unique skill set, educational background, and professional accomplishments, showcasing their dedication and commitment to achieving excellence.

Platform Manager

Natasha Ibarra